The advantages of Indian Almond Leaves
The aquarium must use
Indian Almond leaves benefit Betta fish breeders, Betta fish feeders, and other types of fish. It is a leaf that died from the tree and fell to the ground. Its color changes from green to brown and yellow. The fish breeder usually takes only the dead leaves. As they said, the dead leaf has many advantages already, and the green leaf is a higher risk for use with the fish. The dead leaf should be dry and dead because of the sunlight, not because the rain or wind makes it fall.
In Cambodia, people get it by pick up at the school, pagoda, hospital, public places, and houses. Luckily, we did not buy them because we have lots of leaves in Cambodia, and people also plant them to make places where the sun and shade are protected. But in Europe, they sell it on the website as I saw 50 pcs of leaves cost 4.99$
Now learn to use it:
As I mentioned, we picked it up from the group, so we must clean it first and then use it. I share some tips for cleaning it below:
Step 1: Use the container to put 2L of water
Step 2: Put some aquarium salt (1 spoon for 2L) and mix it
Step 3: Release your Indian Almond Leaves into the container and clean the small places of the leaf.
Step 4: leave it for 1 minute in the container
Step 5: take it out of the container and it is finished with the cleaning step
For those hurrying to use the leaf, you can rest under the sunlight for 1 hour to make it safe and dry and clean it from the dirty water we cleaned. For those who are in a hurry to use it, have more time, or are just preparing for the next day, you can follow my one more style to use it. It could take 2 or 3 days; let's my other style:
Step 1: After you clean the leaves, you have to cut them into small pieces
Step 2: You have to have a small container like a plastic jar
Step 3: Release the water into a plastic jar for around 2L for 4 big leaves (depending on your amount). The water must have no chlorine.
Step 4: Put the small pieces of your leaves and 2L of water with 2 spoons of aquarium salt and mix them
Step 5: Cover the plastic jar with plastic and leave it under the sunlight for 2 or 3 days.
This way, you can make your Indian Almond Leaalmond leavesk can be used a little simer.
There are at least 5 ways of using them in the aquarium (apart from using them as beautiful leaf litter in terrariums for crabs, frogs, lizards, spiders, scorpions, and snakes).
Simply put the leaves into your aquarium. After 1-3 days, once the leaves are completely soaked, they will be water-logged and sink. Apart from their beneficial effects on the water, they will tan the water slightly (to a clear amber) and provide a very natural stream-bottom look to your tank.
You only need to change the leaves once they disintegrate in about 3 weeks to a month. If you have shrimps or plecos, they will devour them when they disintegrate.
You can make Indian Almond Tea using either Indian Almond Teabags or the leaves directly. Most tea bags contain only one to one and a half leaves. Add hot water to the tea bag or a large leaf crumpled into a cup. Leave it to cool. Once cooled, the water in the cup will appear like solid tea. Add what you need into the tank, and keep the rest (with the leaf or the teabag) in the refrigerator. In this way, we recommend using it only if you are in a hurry. Hot water can kill good microorganisms from the leaf. Good organisms or bacteria can eat or kill the harmful bacteria from the fish dung at the bottom of your fish tank. It's a higher risk than using the direct method.
Get a filter bag (laundry netting ). Crumple up 10-15 leaves for every 25 gallons (94.635 L), and stuff them into your filter bag. Leave the bag in the compartment of the Overhead Filter near the inlet into the filter. If you use a Canister Filter, leave it in a bottom tray. The leaves will begin to tan the water in a couple of days. But it will disintegrate over 14-21 days and should be changed.
Remember: activated carbon will negate any tanning or good properties from the leaves. So, using activated carbon is not recommended when using Indian Almond Leaves.
You will need a bucket or tub of water. Soak the leaves in the bucket. After a few days, pour the water into your tank and then top up (the bucket) with fresh water. You can leave the leaves in the bucket until the water ceases to be amber-colored.
You need a pot big enough to hold at least 1 gallon of water, but the bigger the pot, the more extract you will produce.
Put roughly 30 of our large Indian Almond leaves for each gallon of water inside the pot.
Fill the pot with clean water.
Let the leaves soak in the water for 24 hours. It is best to put some weight (the clean stone or something) on the leaves to stop them from floating.
Instead of boiling the water, you can rest it under the sunlight for 2 days or the following days.
Once the water is cooled, you will notice that it is black and has a powerful fragrance.
Filter the Indian almond leaf blackwater extract through a coffee paper filter or an old pair of tights. This is to stop any undesirable matter from getting into the blackwater extract.
The Indian almond leaf blackwater extract can now be poured into plastic or glass bottles, sealed, and stored in a dark and cool place.
Recommended Dosage: 100ml for 1L of water.
Indian Almond leaves are becoming very popular amongst fish keepers and breeders worldwide as a natural medicine and water conditioner for aquarium use.
Indian almond leaves are commonly used to condition and care for Bettas. They are believed to aid the fish in several ways, they increase fertility, health, and vigour. Reducing pH in water aids in the recovery of diseased or damaged fish, and the tannin quickly colors the water.
Aquarists also use Indian Almond Leaves to mimic the natural conditions of their fish in their aquarium. Adding Indian almond leaves to your aquarium will release compounds from the leaves, altering the water's chemistry and making the aquarium more similar to the habitat from which the fish hails.
As well as bettas, these leaves are also ideal for discus, guramis, killifish, tetras, ArArowana'sangelfish, South American dwarf cichlids, Corys, plecos, some rasboras, some cat-fishes, and crustaceans, shrimps just love to chew on them.
If you have any problems, please let me know in the comments. I'I'llee you in my next blog post!
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According to the article: The internet articles for some.
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