Thursday 26 November 2020

The Winner Of The Season4 2020 Cambodia Betta Competition Show

 Cambodia Betta Competition 2020

24-25 October 2020 Betta Show Winner Awards

On 24th Oct 2020, the CBA team has been prepared the places as well for the welcome of the fish owner come to register in the competition. we prepare for the places to park, seat, relax... glass tank, clear water with aquarium salt, and some fish food. We got around 180 Betta fish for registration on 24th and it made us so surprised because we work from the morning until the evening(7:30PM).
On  25th Oct 2020, we still continue registration of the Betta fish from 7:00AM until 9:00AM due to we wait for the people who came from the provinces on the competition date.
At 9:10AM the competition has started. the judges have chosen the solid group for the first and the next group will be following the CBA's rule. On that day we have a free drink also for those who come to registration or without, they also can have a coffee tough, that coffee is from the coffee O'clock, which was sponsored by Mr. Bun Chet.
You can see the activities in the short video below:
The activities on 24th Oct 2020,

The activities on 25th Oct 2020,

The Coffee O'clock sponsored 
by Mr. Bun Chet

The Judge's Team




The head of CBA give prizes to the winner

For the full video on 24th Oct 2020 (The date we prepared) please click the link below: Click this link for part 1
For the full video on 25th Oct 2020 (The date we started) please click the link below: Click this link for Part 2

At the end of our competition, I would like to thank all of you that came for registration and sponsored as well, for the budget from entry and sponsored we have to prepare that money for our winner in this show at all we have no profits from this works. If we have lots of sponsors, the prizes also more and more for the winner. if we compare season 3 with this season we can see the difference between fish entry and sponsors amount so far. and I would like to invite all of you to send your fish to the countryside for an international competition, and I hope all you will breed lots of betta fish and find out the best fries in the batch and register for the competition. Thanks!

If you have any problems please let me know in the comments, I'll see you next blog!

Comments and Share with your friends! Donate me by ABA 002 309 994 SIM SATHIA

All copyright ©️ to Mr. Sathia Sim

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